
Kendall Jenner: Our Male Editor Rates Her Outfits – Hilarity Ensued!

We noticed that you really liked our last article about rating Gigi Hadid’s street style outfits and our male editor giving his honest opinion, so we went ahead and we’re back for round 2.

This time we target Kendall Jenner and her inspired outfits.

Without further ado, let’s begin!

Kendall Jenner Outfit #1

Hmmm, ok I must admit that it took me a brief moment to decide, but I really don’t think this works. There’s something about that pair of pants with those shoes. I know that Adidas Stan Smith have to be the most popular and trending shoes the last few years but they simply don’t work with this outfit. The pants look like they needed a more ‘formal’ pair of shoes – like low boots or something along those lines. The little furry accessory hanging from her bag isn’t my favorite either. Other than that, it’s a solid appearance and I like the white – light color. It’s summer after all!

Grade: 5/10 – Really average Kendall…really average…

Kendall Jenner Outfit #2

Here we have your ‘every day Kendall’ out and about doing her daily chores (obviously, people like Kendall don’t do chores, but they — we may feel better for ourselves!). Not the hugest fan of that style of jeans. I like the high-rise aspect but I don’t like that they aren’t more tight at the bottom. Opting for a pair of jeans that’s tighter at the bottom would look much better.

The top works great, it’s sexy, simple and really versatile. For some weird reason I also like the glasses — even though the circular shape is not my style. The double belt also adds a special note to the whole style. The shoes are ok…not bad..not good, somewhere in the middle!

Grade 6,5/10

Kendall Jenner Outfit #3


Alright, now we’re going somewhere. I’ll start from the top (I’ll leave the hat for last — for a good reason!). Nice, casual t-shirt in an unusual color that makes the whole dark/black look a little lighter. See the pants here? That’s what I was talking about before: high-rise jeans that are tighter at the bottom. Don’t tell me that they don’t work better!

Now let’s move to the top… hat off to you Kendall — the hat addition works perfectly! I really really like it, it’s sexy and tops up the whole outfit the best way possible. Apparently, a woman wearing a man’s hat is really hot, who would have thought?!

Grade: 8,5/10

Kendall Jenner Outfit #4

When I first started thinking about this outfit, I didn’t really like it, but the more I kept looking at it, the more sense it started making to me. Starting from the top — usually I am not a fan of that hair styling but, here, it works and I honestly believe that if she would wear them free, it wouldn’t look as good.

Then we have the beige-ish blouse; I think that its shape and style are great and elevate the whole outfit. Then we have that pair of pants? skirt? It’s flapping all around like a flag. I am not really sure what that is, I bet all you girls out there have some weird, dedicated name for something like that. Anyway, It’s ok I guess. Not going to suggest it to anyone but she can pull it off. Finally, the shoes! The shoes are great and they blend perfectly with the rest of the style. They stand out in a good way.

Grade 8/10 — Cool glasses, did I forget to mention that?

Kendall Jenner Outfit #5

We kept the best for last! The rock chick – badass girl outfit is hot…really hot!

There is something about oversized shirts on girls that makes us lose our minds so no exceptions here! 100% spot on. Then we have those extra skinny and slim gray pair of jeans. Let’s make a rule ok? When you want to wear high rise pairs of pants, make sure that they are tight at the bottom and not baggy (like outfit #2 in our article). Ultra tight jeans are alluring and arousing!

I know I must also comment on the shoes but I think we don’t even need to talk about the shoes. Well…ok, I shouldn’t leave you hanging. They work, they are not my favorite option or my go-to choice but they are nice and I like the white color. If they had a slightly taller heel I think they would be perfect.

All in all — her best outfit here!

Grade 9/10 — one point minus for the shoes…yeap!