
Petite Work Style Rocks: How to Dress for the Office When You Are Short

What’s the main objective when selecting our clothes and outfits? We want to compliment our figure and accentuate the strong points of our silhouette while hiding or covering up the spots that we are lacking.

So, there are outfits for skinnier women, fuller women, taller women, and of course there are the perfect clothes for petite women!

When you are short in height, there are some challenges you have to face in the clothing department and Pinkfo is here to let you in on some great tips on how to dress for work when you are petite!

So, what are our objectives?

  1. Appear taller
  2. Elongate legs and torso
  3. Avoid the unflattering, “boxy” look

How to Appear Taller – Tips & Suggestions

Allright, contrary to what you might think, dressing to appear taller is really easy to achieve if you follow these tips and guidelines:

Let’s draw some further inspiration from really petite and short celebrities and how they dress: