
Anna Wintour Shows You How to Dress up With Color When at Work

Dress like this if you work in: fashion magazines, fashion stores, decorating companies, and generally in any position with prestige and chromatic freedom.

Anna hates black color and loves florals, striped and intense shades. She is a woman who knows very well all about fashion (actually she is fashion) and she believes that every woman should dress by using many colors and never throw away old, timeless and classic pieces that she can wear in the future in different ways.

«I think it’s always fun to have something new, but it doesn’t mean that everything you already have in your closet has to be thrown out, you know? Recycle. It’s totally ok. I even recommend it», the Director of Vogue said in an interview and we fully agree with her. Combine old with new pieces for a daily professional look.

But what does she choose to wear in her work every day?

I chose 15 outfits of Anna and I will show them to you in order to get inspiration for your everyday look at work. Don’t forget that no one is going to take you less seriously because you wear colorful clothes. And if you have your doubts just check Anna’s style.

*When Anna Wintour talks about color she means everything else but black!